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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.
3 min read
Shy about extended breastfeeding? Unraveling the complexities through a holistic perspective.
In a society where discussions on parenting choices often stir passionate debates, one topic that remains shrouded in secrecy is extended...
Mandy Rees
3 min read
Understanding inner feminine and motherhood in ten steps
Your inner feminine are the aspects of yourself that would generally be considered to be feminine. These are things like embracing the...
4 min read
I feel like a failure. I keep getting it wrong. Changing our ‘Failure Story’ in motherhood.
“You’re always getting it wrong” “What’s wrong with you?” “Why are you so rubbish at this?” “You’re hopeless” “Failed again!” “Why can’t...
Emma Benyon
3 min read
Three ways to start to listen to your Mum Intuition
Motherhood is a beautiful and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging and overwhelming at times. By tuning in to your...
Hayley Thomson
4 min read
5 Ways to Manage Mum-Overwhelm
Motherhood can be overwhelming at the best of times, right? I find myself saying it all the time, ‘Ugh, I just feel so overwhelmed, if...
Dr Jemma Andrew-Adiamah
4 min read
Tapping out of society's 'ideal' version of motherhood and tuning into you
Motherhood is a ride isn’t it? It’s all-consuming, overstimulating and a non-stop bus tour to “overwhelmsville”. Also, it can feel heavy...
Dr Jo Mueller
6 min read
The aftermath of back to school: Navigating your child’s big feelings - and your own
Ah, the kids are finally back to school and everyone is calm, settled and happy. Right? Umm… The start of the new school year is a moment...
Dr Abigail Wright
5 min read
A 'Transition Triangle': tips to shape support for your little one's start/return to school/nursery
Preparing for your little one to start or return to an education setting can bring a mix of emotions for a caregiver. In addition, to...
Silke Thistlewood
4 min read
Expectations vs. reality in motherhood
I'd always imagined I'd be the kind of mum that would go for jogs with baby in the pram. Honestly, that was one of the main images in my...
Nicki Young
4 min read
Why “Work-life Balance” isn’t the Holy Grail we seem to think it is…
What is Balance Anyway? For as long as I can remember, we working mums have been trying to achieve the “Holy Grail” of work-life balance....
Laura Dickerson
5 min read
Life After Birth: a real account of the transition to motherhood after birth trauma
January 1st 2022. I’m about to swim at a cold water charity event to raise money for maternal mental health. Water temperature 14...
Dr Andrew Mayers
8 min read
Why Maternal Mental Health Matters
This week (2-8th May) is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week – a week-long campaign dedicated to talking about mental illness while...
Kathryn Di Virgilio
3 min read
It’s OK not to find parenthood blissful (dealing with shame)
Motherhood comes with a lot of expectations. The image that so many women have is of a content and happy mum cradling a sleeping baby....
Tamsin Williamson, The Parent Coach
4 min read
People pleasing in Motherhood, and how to set yourself free!
How often do you find yourself…. …saying YES to others when in your heart you mean NO? …spending time with people who don’t bring out...
Nicky Lowe
7 min read
Should I stay or should I go? 7 self-coaching questions to help you navigate work vs motherhood.
When stepping back fails. A year after having my first child I returned to work and just a few months later I found myself in my doctor’s...
Natalia Stasenko
3 min read
How to tame your anxiety when your child won't eat
Whenever you see your child ignoring new food, you may feel a particular feeling rushing through your body. It can be slightly different...
Dr Fionnuala Barton
4 min read
Could it be your hormones?
Mood swings, anxiety, irregular or unusual periods, tiredness, increased appetite and cravings, weight gain, bloating, breast changes,...
Diana Spellman
4 min read
The Great Mental Unload Starts Here
The great mental unload. We’ve talked about the mental load a lot. We need to reduce it. But how do we start? It seems such an...
Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
1 min read
3 tips for coping with an early start
Being wrenched from sleep by our kids - a challenge mums know too well! When your day feels exhausting before you've even opened your...
Mandy Rees
4 min read
5 New Year, no-guilt, self-care 'strategies', NOT resolutions!
The New Year often brings with it a pressure to try and reinvent ourselves and set ourselves (often unrealistic) resolutions. But what if...
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