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The Nourish Blog
Wisdom, expertise and honest stories from real mums who get it.
Helping mums navigate the emotions and struggles of motherhood and find more connection, compassion & calm.
Natalia Stasenko
3 min read
How to tame your anxiety when your child won't eat
Whenever you see your child ignoring new food, you may feel a particular feeling rushing through your body. It can be slightly different...
Dr Fionnuala Barton
4 min read
Could it be your hormones?
Mood swings, anxiety, irregular or unusual periods, tiredness, increased appetite and cravings, weight gain, bloating, breast changes,...
Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
2 min read
Simple self-care when you have ZERO TIME
It can be hard at the best of times to squeeze in nourishing practices but when we need it the most that’s when it can feel literally...
Mandy Rees
4 min read
5 New Year, no-guilt, self-care 'strategies', NOT resolutions!
The New Year often brings with it a pressure to try and reinvent ourselves and set ourselves (often unrealistic) resolutions. But what if...
Tamsin Williamson, The Parent Coach
1 min read
4 Ways to Create More Balance as a Working Parent
Tune in to this uplifting video from Tamsin @theparenthoodcoach as she shares 4 of her favourite strategies to help you create more calm,...
Why you don't need a new year, new you approach to your mumhealth
I don’t know about you, but the New Year has brought home its annual seasonal home truths. I’ve eaten too much and not moved enough. The...
Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
4 min read
Top Twixmas Treats 🎁 7 essential meditations to help parents restore and reboot ready for 2022
It’s been one hell of a year. No sorry, 2 years! Many of us have not had a proper holiday to restore and recharge in what seems like...
Dot Zacharias, Sleep & Yoga Nidra Coach
4 min read
How to slow down this Christmas
Does Christmas feel frenetic in your family? While the excitement is joyous, too much of it can be exhausting. These winter months are a...
Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
3 Ways to Develop Self-Compassion
We hear the concept of self-compassion talked about often but what actually is it and why is it so fundamental to our health? Listen to...
Mandy Rees
3 min read
Five ways to embrace your Great Mother energy
Every mother has a power within her - a deep intuition and wisdom that makes her soul sing and heart ache in equal measure during...
Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
Your 3 Step Plan to Uncertainty
In the midst of all this great change and uncertainty, we need a plan! Even when there is so much outside of our control there are always...
Emma Cottam, Founder of Isabella & Us
4 min read
How to grow into motherhood and be the best version of you
Motherhood - every aspect of our lives fundamentally change and in some ways we no longer feel aligned to who we where before that...
Sophie Burch, Perinatal Therapist
1 min read
Your 5 Minute Visualisation Escape
Join Sophie Burch today for this gentle guided visualisation to the top of a hill. Enjoy the feeling of space and calm as you gaze out...
Sara Campin, Founder of Nourish
1 min read
Your 2-minute Mind Break
Sometimes it can be hard to think straight because the mind is racing so fast, we have so much going on. Try this short, grounding...
Suzy Reading, Wellbeing Psychologist
1 min read
What is emotional health and how do we boost it?
While it’s nice to feel happy, pressure to be happy is far from healthy and can genuinely add to our burden. Rather than a perpetual good...
Charlotte Lewis
3 min read
The cornerstone of mental health for mothers is self-care: 5 ways to make yourself a priority
Being a mother is the best reason you’ll ever have to take care of yourself. It’s important to nourish yourself in order to pour that...
7 min read
Does motherhood mean happiness and how to stay positive
At this moment of the year, with the inevitable big emotions flying around the house and peak stress, happiness may seem like a long way...
Lucy Orton
4 min read
Confidence Boosts For An Autumnal Return To Work
For many mums, September still glistens with that ‘new page of the jotter’ feeling that we had when WE were at school. Only now, we send...
Yvonne Bignall
4 min read
Why self-care is hard and how to make it easier
We all have the same 24-hours per day to work with, but we don’t all have the same responsibilities. So how do we fulfil each of the...
Sara Johnson
6 min read
What is yoga nidra and how does it help? An interview with Sara Johnson
Can you tell us a bit about what yoga nidra is and how it helps mums? Yoga Nidra is such a tonic; it promotes the deepest kind of rest...
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