Maternal Mental Health Resources
Everybody has mental health, just like we have physical health, and we all need to take care of our mental health. The Nourish app is designed to help you to boost and support positive mental wellbeing through the ups and downs of motherhood and we hope that you find that this is the case.
However, we all have the capacity to suffer from mental health disorders. If you think you might be suffering from depression, low mood, postnatal depression, anxiety or any other mental health condition, it is very important you seek professional health.
The UK’s National Health Service (the NHS) has very clear and easy to read guidance on maternal mental health conditions (see below). If you think you may be suffering from any of the following conditions or some of the symptoms, then PLEASE seek help.
NHS: Feeling anxious & panicky
NHS: Generalised Anxiety Disorder
NHS: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
NHS: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Remember, your GP or other health professional wants to know if you are feeling low, and they also know that feeling low can be missed. Remember, your doctor will want to know, you just need to tell them. Please don’t struggle on alone, help is available.
Other resources you might find helpful:
Association of Postnatal Illness
Maternal Mental Health Alliance
Dr Andrew Mayers: perinatal mental health
Action on Postpartum Psychosis
The Association for Infant Mental Health
Supporting a better birth:
Supporting perinatal loss:
Petals: The baby loss counselling charity
Sands: Stillbirth & neonatal loss charity
Specific resources for Dads:
Paternal Mental Health Support